Is Your Business Turning You Into a Cranky Wino?
Is your business making you a wine lush?
We all know being an entrepreneur is hard.
At times, you may feel exposed
like a raw open wound;
too much wine
a few too many bags of popcorn
I've created a random list of what I'm doing for the next six months
to shut my hard ass of a "boss" up.
- give myself permission to have even more wine or more popcorn if I want it (dammit:)
- tell my loved ones that I am creating some awesome great things that light my fire
- (Which means I might be out of communication for a while or short when we do talk.)
- Please don't hold it against me(if you do I know it won't be for long because you love me)
- Turn off my phone, email, Facebook, etc when I am feeling full so that I don't have an opportunity to be short with my loved ones.
- Schedule down time
- let it go (yes that)
- sleep
- sleep some more
- stay in bed all day
- have a nap
- drink orange juice with a grass fed steak
- get a massage
- get a foam roller
- take a yoga class
- learn a new pole trick
- belly dance
- ask for help
- hire some help
- surrender
- let it go
- release
- drink some water
- add some electrolytes (your adrenals are probably shot)
- eat some celery for the wine bloat
- try dandelion tea
- meditate for 5 whole minutes
- sing your favorite song
- listen to a podcast
- get Spotify
- make friends with another entrepreneur
- play around on pinterest
- give myself gold stars for every completed business task
- call a good friend for a bitch, moan, gratitude, and desire fest
- pound a new series on Netflix
- start checking my email only once a day
- take email off my phone and tablet
- turn off all social media notifications
- hire a coach or mentor
- invest in yourself
- say yes
- say no
- orgasm
- om
- move
- make lists
- commit to only 2 tasks on my to-do list
- ask my tarot cards
- ask the astro twins
- pretend I am a psychic
- go for a walk with no destination in mind
- run
- get a guitar
- learn a song
- make a desire list
- compliment a stranger
- ask for something I really want
- be courageous
- be scared
- be
- chant
- find your song totem
- introduce yourself to a stranger
- invite a colleague to lunch
- send an unasked for recommendation someone's way
- tell someone they are awesome
- tell yourself you are awesome
- meditate for 20 minutes
- imagine yourself on Oprah's couch
- read a real book (not a kindle)
- Say "I love you" more
- complain less
- turn your bank account into an game
- pay an outstanding bill while wearing lingerie
- write thank you on all checks
- try guessing what note a train stop makes
- find a task that REQUIRES markers and crayons
- send thank you cards
- pay it forward
- play it back in gratitude
- drink green juice
- eat a salad
- try cashew ice cream
- eat ice cream for dinner
- sign up for a 5k
- fire that client
- decide you are perfect
- realize perfection is an illusion
Creating a money making business is a learned skill just like any other. It's built moment by moment, piece by piece. Join Sexy Money Moguls to create the business of your dreams.