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An Indecent Proposal? 4 Ways To Stop Being a Slave to Money

What would YOU do for money?

How far would YOU go?

I just finished watching the Mad Men episode The Other Woman (enter strains of Nina Simone’s The Other Woman) 

 (Spoiler Alert) In this episode, Joan is charged with sleeping with a male client to help the advertising firm Sterling Cooper Draper Price land an important account.

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 Hi There! Welcome to the party. denise-cooper.com doesn't officially launch until July 3rd, but I am all for being fashionable early. We'll be adding juicy content daily to build up to the July 3rd launch, so check back with us early and often. If you'd like sexy money tips and content delivered straight to your inbox, sign up for our email list!





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Your Money Is A Lot Like You!  

Money, Like People, Flocks To The Places It knows It'll Be Well Cared For

If you're like me, you've read entire libraries worth of how-to books on money management and you've realized that they all say the same things. In order to manage money well you should do the following four things: Spend Wisely, Save, Give, and Invest.

I find that the first rule, spending wisely, is the one that sets the tone for the rest. The easiest way to spend wisely is to know exactly where your money is going.  

Tracking your businesses’ spending is not just important for taxes, its important in helping you make those important decisions, such as rather or not you are ready for a new office, or are able to expand and hire another employee.

Knowing what’s coming in and what’s going out also allows you to create a future for your business, How much revenue do you want to attract this year? How much did you make last year? A well setup and executed bookkeeping system can help you with all these questions.

Read on for 4 simple steps to create a well executed bookkeeping system...


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Balance: Not Just a Neat Trick on the Yoga Mat 

Clearing A Path for Money 

When you invite friends over, what’s the first thing you do to prepare? If you are like me, you spend a good portion of your prep time making sure your house is in order.

That giant pile of laundry on the couch gets folded and put away, that pile of mail gets sorted and filed, the shelves get dusted.

Why treat Money any differently. Your relationship with money is just as important as your relationship with a spouse, relative, friend, or co worker. It’s even more so because a bad relationship with Money can affect all the other areas of your life. So why not start the new year clearing out your financial clutter and starting fresh with a few helpful tips. 

Tip #1: For tax purposes you should hang on to paper records for 7 years. Unfortunately electronic copies can be considered tainted because they can be altered by a software program. 

Tip #2: Keep everything! If ever audited, accoun

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