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Hey Baby, How's Your Money?

How IS your money?

Does that question make you cringe?

Is your money currently overdrawn?

Are you ashamed about the amount of debt you have?

Are you carrying the same amount of debt you had ten years ago?

Are you so stressed and bored with your job that you spend all day shopping online?

Do you wake up in the middle of the night anxious that there’s not enough?

Is there EVER enough?

Are you tired of working one low wage job after another?

Do you think that being an intuitive, artist or creative person means you will be broke forever?

Maybe you make plenty of money but have nothing to show for it?

 Whatever your money problem is right is this moment.

I’ve got a message for you

You ready?


You don’t have to have all the answers

Let me repeat that

You don’t have to have all the answers

What you do need is:   Awareness


Your relationship to money and abundance is one of the most important relationships in your life.

There is a reason why money is one of the top causes of divorce.

How many of us know stories about friends and family who no longer talk to each other over money?

So, if money is one of your most important relationship partners, why not treat your money like you treat your lover, your child, your parent, your sibling, or your best friend?

When your child is acting up, sad, or sick,

You know it’s time for you to give him or her some extra attention.

Your money is the SAME way

Money likes attention.

Correction Money Adores attention.

Money is like a carnival princess dancing the samba in a gorgeous diamond encrusted costume

She wants to be seen.

 Here are 5 ways you can pay more attention to your money this week:

1.      Sign up for Mint.com. it’s great! It’s what I use, personally, and it’s owned by Intuit, a very reputable financial company known for products and services like QuickenQuickBooks and TurboTax.

2.      Have a weekly Money Makeout. Start by keeping your receipts in your wallet along with a few index cards. Once a week (or more if you are a big spender :) set aside 5 minutes. Find a quiet place. Light some candles and incense. Pour a cup of your most decadent hot chocolate and list out on an index card everything you spent your money on this week. Use the receipts to help. I’ve done this for the last four years and it cured my shopping addiction.

3.      Tell her all the things she does right. Be grateful. Do you have a place to live? Your money did that. Food in your belly? Every morning find a way to list out 10 reasons you’re grateful.

4.      I’m Rich I’m Rich. My friend's niece is super adorable. She's a hoarder, but in a super, cute, ovary-twinge inducing kind of way.  Everything in her life makes her feel abundant. At her recent birthday party she was seen dancing around the room, birthday candles in hand yelling I'm rich I'm rich.  Give her a bunch of Band-Aids. Same reaction. She updates her own baby book. This girl knows how to savor. That idea that everything about you is precious and worthy of being kept in the annals and archives of the history that is your life. So try it. Pretend like you just won the lottery. Right now stop everything you’re doing (seriously it’s like a magic spell you gotta say it out loud) and yell at the top of your lungs!!! “Thank you for everything I have. I’m Rich I’m Rich I’m Rich!”

5.      Know your Money Archetype. Sometimes problems in a relationship are more about your communication style. Your money is saying one thing and you’re hearing something else. Go here to figure out your money style. There is an easy quiz to fill out and great tips on how to manage your money style. In four years by doing all the above steps I went from being a pleasure seeker (spending more than I made on trips, clothes, eating out etc) to a guardian (I get adorably anxious when my account falls below a certain number and my number grows each year).

 Try these 5 tips and I promise you will see some abundant shifts in your life around money.

If you wanna take your money ever higher enlist other women to do these things with you.

 A good place to start would be the Qoya workshop at Sacred Brooklyn Saturday April 7th from 4pm -8pm. 


Our theme? Abundance and Sexy Money.

I promise sexy movement, joy, ease, and abundance around money during this workshop. 

Isn’t it about time money was sexy?


P.S There is a secret surprise for the woman who brings proof that she completed the steps listed above!


 For More Tips Sign Up here!



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  • Response
    Awesome Site, Carry on the very good job. Thank you!

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