Nothing To Fear: 20 Ways To Seduce Your Fear and Anxiety
So, I’ve got a confession to make. I sometimes get TERRIFYED! Like heart palpitating, wanting to hide under the covers, kind of terror.
When you own your own business (especially in the beginning) it's par for course.
As I grow older I realize that this fear and anxiety usually means I am playing bigger than I have before. Fear is my sure fire sign that I am on the right track.
I once heard or read author and amazing bad ass (Get her book Overcoming Underearning here) Barbara Stanny say “underearners are addicted to comfort”.
So what’s a bad ass to do when she can’t hide under the covers cause she has shit to do and people depending on her?
How can you fake it until you make it?
Or better yet, fake it so good you convince even yourself?
I've culled a gazillion remedies from all over the web to help during those naseau inducing times of extreme terror and fear.