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52 Week Savings Challen....... Soiree!

I'm doing this 30 day movement challenge issued by Dara Cole over at Sacred Studio Brooklyn. I'm on day something or other (not sure when this blog will post). So many good things are coming to me as I take this journey.

One of the things I conjured as if by magic is someone gifted me this spread sheet created by Kassondra Perry-Moreland.

It's brilliant,
it's fun,
it's a challenge.

So in the spirit of the new year

I Challenge you!

No, even better I invite you to a Savings Soiree!
Here's how its works:

  • Pick a day of the week. For me its Wednesdays


  •  Transfer a corresponding dollar amount into your saving's account for example if its week 3 transfer $3 dollars to your savings (Or $30, or $300, you can keep adding zeeeros if you got it like that Oprah:)

There are 52 weeks in a year; 
so you will do this 52 times and have a total of $1,378 in your savings account at the end of the year or $13,780 or $137,800. (knock yourself out money bags:)


Simple right?

If you're game
Say "I'm In" in the comment section below:)

Plus pass it on!!


Get Support With Your Savings Plan!!!


Sometimes Adding Means Subtracting

It's late on a Tuesday afternoon,

I'm just coming in from my Hot Mess pilates class

it's part of a 30 day movement challenge issued by

Miss Dara Cole over at Sacred Brooklyn.

Its my 4th day and already I am noticing a shift.


I don't do as much.

I saw a post on Facebook that said to do more you need to do less

So I'm noticing the not so important things falling off my to do list


I'm eating better,

partly because I wanna look lean and fit in my tiny hot yoga shorts and tops

and more importantly I want to feel radiant and a full stomach

and hot yoga make for a nausea inducing time


I'm having so much fun.

 I get to see my people EVERYDAY.

 I feel this sense of true community especially since I live and work alone on most days.


FASHION. I know.

But for me its all the motivation I need.

I am planning new outfits everyday as if I'm Beyonce

and I'm gonna be photographed for a blog that day:)


What's all this got to do with you?

 I thought you might like to ask yourself the following questions.......

1. What can I take off my plate so I can give birth to a project with ease and grace?

2. How can I nourish myself so that my creativity pours out of me

3. Who can I call to be my creation buddy?

4. What can I wear to make myself feel authentic in whatever endeavor I'm embarking on? 


For more ways to create abunance with ease sign up here!


The 4 Seasons of Woman

The essence of femininity is round

It’s the circle

The cycles of things

The moon cycle, the creativity cycle, the life cycle, the cycle of your business, your menstrual cycle, and yes the seasons.

The beauty and essence of the body woman is her connection to these cycles.

The moon affects the seasons, affects your body, affects your actions.

How can we harness the natural energy of the world

to suck our desires to us with the same ease the sun attracts the earth?

It's said that,

There is a time for everything

For everything there is a season

What is for you, will not go buy you

So before you make any move,

 ask yourself

What’s my season?

What time of year is it?

What phase of creation am I in?

What day of the week is it?

Where are the stars in relation to my natal chart?

What week of my menstrual cycle am I in?

So what’s your season?


If the answer is Winter (December – February, week of period, end/renewal phase of a project or business)

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An Open Invitation: Book Birthing Thursdays!

Hello Gorgeous Lady

 I'm open to receiving the next iteration of my gift to the world.

 What about you?

 I've had a book percolating in my body for about a year now and this baby is ready to burst free:)

  I'm jonesing for a more feminine way of manisfesting and

 thought about you amazing women to act as creativity dulas

 Your creation doesn't have to just be a book either, maybe it’s a new blog or a podcast, a video series, or a workbook or some combination of both.

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99 Pleasures: The Best Things in Life Really Are Free


Here's an excerpt from my gigantic List O'Pleasures a document I've been working on for years. Most everything on this list is absolutely free. Something to think about when you're out shopping this holiday season:) My gift to you.

  1. Sleeping In on a Rainy Day 
  2. Finding Money You Didn’t Know You Had Or Give that Gift to Someone
  3. Making Brief Eye Contact with Someone of the Opposite Sex 

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